“The Lord, He is the one who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:8
As we look ahead to the new year, our eyes are firmly fixed on the Lord. May His presence guide us all and give us peace as we look to Him. He is a sure way, one that is trustworthy, though we don’t all know the future.
Our theme at Catalyst Ministries this month is Fresh Start! It's early to think of spring, and while some reading this may be looking out at the snow coming down, we know that there is life below in the soil, life that we can’t yet see. This is like faith in that, though we don’t yet see the answers to our prayers or the circumstances resolved, we can know that as we commit these things to the Lord, He hears us and He is at work.
For Catalyst Ministries, we commit this new year, this fresh start to God, trusting in Him and asking that His plans for the year would be established. Please be praying along with us.
Here is a Prayer List that we’d ask you to save and use to pray for this year:
1. God’s plans established this year for Catalyst Ministries
2. Wisdom and guidance for our Board, Staff, and Volunteers
3. Protection and provision of all financial resources and needs, in abundance, this year
4. Blessings and strategic needs met for all residents and team members
5. New Church Partnerships and Community Partners
6. New Monthly Donors (Impact Donors)
Thank you in advance!
We thank you too for reading these monthly updates from us, for helping us have a successful end-of-year giving month in December through your faithful giving, and for standing with us in prayer and support for the sake of the brave women we serve, who are resilient survivors!
Through your support, their Christmas was marked by generosity, joy, and love! Thank you for continuing to make a difference in the lives of others with Catalyst Ministries.
Trusting in the One who goes before us!