Join the Fight
At Catalyst Ministries, we value our volunteers because they are essential to accomplishing our mission and vision. We want to partner with volunteers to fill positions where God can work through them in the unique ways He has gifted them. Today, over 100 volunteers support the ministry at Catalyst. Volunteer opportunities include positions at the office and our restorative homes called Catalyst Farms and Catalyst Ranch. If you are interested in serving with Catalyst Ministries, please fill out the interest form below. Descriptions of all opportunities are at the bottom of the page.
Communications & Events Team: This team includes writers, content creators, event planning, and fundraising coordinators.
Office Support Team: Admin, cleaning, maintenance, bakers (for events), and volunteer care
Property Team: Clothing donation inventory and management, workdays, lawn and garden care, maintenance
Resident Care Team: This team includes drivers, life skill instructors, mentors, group facilitators, RA
Prayer Team: We have monthly prayer gatherings at each location. We believe prayer is our strategy!
Volunteer Interest Form
Is your group interested in volunteering together?
Click the button to sign-up a group!
Current Volunteer Resources:
Please note: a password is required to view the trainings. Please reach out to one of our staff or current team leads to view.